Health and wellness

Present your practice and attract new patients

Simplify appointment booking and showcase your services with a website tailored to your needs.

Display online a presentation of the services you offer

Simplify your patient management with an appointment system you online

Improve your visibility and patients' trust in your practice

Display an online presentation of the services you offer

Display an online presentation of the services you offer

By presenting your services online, your future patients will be able to discover your practice more easily by conducting related searches on the Internet.

By giving your visitors a brief overview of the services you offer, they will be able to know whether your practice would be a good fit for them, in addition to giving them confidence in your skills.

Professional medical website

Professional medical website

Is it legal to have a website when you're a doctor?

Although direct advertising is prohibited, you have every right to present your medical practice on the Internet, as well as the services you offer.

With a high-performance site featuring complete, quality content, you will arrive in a good position ahead of your competitors on the various search engines, which gives you an advantage without being considered advertising.

A website offering appointment booking as an alternative to Doctolib

Cost and revenue

Save money over the long term by paying lower fees than those offered by Doctolib. You'll also be able to bill your patients per appointment booking at no extra cost.

Detailed services offered

Present all your services in an attractive way, with no constraints on presentation format, text size or number of photos.

Custom features

Offer your patients numerous online services, such as the creation of a videoconferencing link when booking or a contact form in case of questions.

Simplify your patient management with an online appointment system

Simplify your patient management with an online appointment system

Simplify the secretarial work related to your practice thanks to a online booking system.

Your patients will be able to book and move their appointments on your website, and will no longer have to call you every time they need to make a change. They'll also be able to receive a reminder a few days in advance to avoid oversights.

Present your research work

Present your research work

Do you work in research in addition to your medical activity?

Centralize the results of your research work on your site. web.

This will allow you to present them attractively and without limitation in terms of text or illustration, to add videos and links to associated resources.

According to your needs, you can also adapt your presentations over time, or provide them with translations.

Improve your visibility and patients' trust in your practice

Improve your visibility and patients' trust in your practice

Present your background, past experiences as well as your specialties to build public confidence in your expertise.

Attach your Google reviews to your website to provide external validation and reassure your patients about your qualifications.

Here's a list of services that could be useful for developing your business

You don't have to provide me with a mock-up, a computer server or even a clearly defined visual identity for me to implement what I suggest. I have the skills and infrastructure to implement all my suggestions.

Move up a gear

Would you like to develop your business via the Internet?

Send me information about your needs so we can schedule a videoconference to target your expectations.

The quote and first appointment are free and without obligation.

Ask for a quote for your custom website